Day 26 - BloopFwoopFwoop 1a

Note: Apparently I forgot to hit the "Publish" button on this newfangled blog thing and thus this gets published a week or so after the recording was made, so "Day 26" is incongruous with the publish date. I really can count, I swear.

I've whipped up another little jam on my modular (see video below). This one came together quite quickly. I'm still struggling getting the mix right, but I think I'm hearing overall improvements. I don't know if it's the adapters or the mixer itself, but the headphones output sounds very strange. Running it to my computer via USB and plugging in my headphones there seems to work well, but I'd much rather just plug in my headphones.

Patch notes

Three channels from the Ornament and Crime in Turing Machine mode proved 1V/Octive to the Mutable Instruments Edges. Edges is gated by Intellijel Plog by way of the Doepfer Quad ASDR (doesn't actually provide an envelope, but gives me the opportunity to use variable gate lengths). Edges is run through Clouds, whose parameters are modulated by various sources, most notable the 4ms Pingable LFO.

The fourth channel from Ornament and Crime provides a melody to the Make Noise DPO's second oscillator, whose waveshaping parameters are modulated via Maths. "Final" VCO output to Optomix and on to the Erbe Verb.

Sine output on DPO's first oscillator is output to the MMG, which is struck by the end-of-decay trigger on one of the ASDR channels, providing a nice vactrol bongo.

Bass drum and hihats come from Tiptop audio drum modules.